Friday 10 February 2012

PVC Banners – the Cost-Effective Way to Target Local Custom

If your business relies heavily on passing trade you should seriously consider using PVC banners to improve the effectiveness of your advertising.

So what makes PVC banners such a trusted advertising medium?

Well, for a start, their impact is instantaneous. Consider this: you pass a clothes shop in the high street where there is a banner draped across the front which says: ‘50% off all stock.’ Wouldn’t that make you want to take a closer look? Probably.

But what if that banner read: ‘50% off all stock – TODAY ONLY!’ There, that’s more like it. The perceived sense of urgency makes all the difference. You’d just have to have a peek in now wouldn’t you?

You see, PVC banners demand attention. They are in your face. You can’t ignore them. That’s why many more businesses are recognising the sales potential of PVC banners over other forms of advertising.

For a start they are extremely reasonable to produce. And they lend themselves to multiple projects. If you are a business with more than one branch you can readily transport your PVC banner between sites.

Actually, because these banners are so incredibly cheap compared to other advertising mediums, you might just want to buy two!

And the best way to draw attention to your PVC banner? Make it striking: simple colour scheme, direct message.

The AIDA marketing principle, frequently cited in direct mail campaigns, comes in handy here.

Attention – create a strong headline which promises a benefit.

Interest – raise your customer’s interest by addressing the ‘what’s in it for me?’

Desire – make them want what you are offering.

Action – prompt your prospects to take action NOW!

AIDA will help you keep your marketing message on track. And once you have your banner, the only thing left to do is display it in a prominent place. Somewhere it will have maximum impact.

PVC banners are also really effective when combined with other marketing elements such as fliers, print ads, radio and TV ads and online advertising. This is because we consumers frequently need to be exposed to the same message around half a dozen times before we consciously take notice of it.

Consider how many times you have to see an ad on TV before you become aware of it. The exception might be that really annoying opera singer in the price comparison website ad – though you could say he definitely prompts action of some kind!

So when it comes to planning your next product launch, one day sale, business event or special promotion, why not consider how using a PVC banner might help you achieve your goals – and stay within budget!

Business Owners: Newspaper & Directory Advertising Is Expensive . . . Here’s a Low-Cost Alternative You’ll Love

In these cash-strapped times, businesses of all sizes are constantly on the lookout for fresh, innovative ways to promote their products and services.

If you run your own business, you don’t need to be reminded just how pricey a newspaper or magazine ad can be, not to mention directory advertising. And the main problem with print advertising is that it can be very much a hit and miss affair. You don’t know how effective your campaign will be until it has run its course. Doesn’t it make sense to look around for viable alternatives?

Advertising banners are an established way of telling potential customers about what your particular business has to offer. They’re perfect for all kinds of sales, events, trade shows and promotions. And one of the best things about advertising banners is that they are particularly suitable for use over multiple campaigns, so that makes them really cost-effective too.

So what kinds of banners are currently available to help you get your marketing message across?

Dayglo Banners
Need maximum visibility for your event or promotion? Then Dayglo Banners in high-visibility fluorescent yellow or fluorescent orange, are exactly what you need. Made from PVC, outdoors they’ll last between 6-12 weeks without fading and are perfect for those winter months when you need to be seen on dark mornings and evenings.

Full Colour Banners
Twenty-five per cent extra heavy grade fabric, combined with the functionality of UV-stable outdoor inks, makes full colour banners the professionals’ choice of advertising medium. Tough and durable, with a quality that is unsurpassed, these vibrant banners will add an exciting dimension to all your indoor or outdoor marketing campaigns – at a genuinely reasonable price too!

Economy Banners
Looking for a no-frills banner for indoor or short-term outdoor use? Then choose from red, green, blue or black text on a white background. These ‘economy banners’ are functional, effective, and cheap as chips (if I might borrow the phrase, David).

Eco-friendly Banners
The clean, green alternative for today’s eco-conscious entrepreneur. Choose from 100 per cent recyclable polypropylene, or durable bamboo fibre – 99.6 per cent biodegradable. The beauty of bamboo is that it can be harvested from a renewable source (organic farms, rather than forests) without the need to replant.

These are just a small sample of the wide range of advertising materials available from your dedicated online signs manufacturer. For advice as to the best type of banner to use for your specific purpose, just get in touch with your friendly online sign-maker. They’ll be delighted to assist you.