Monday, 31 December 2012

A Great Range Of Choice For Marketing Professionals Who Prefer Large Ad Formats

More than ever before there is great choice when it comes to advertising banners. The different medium and variety of products is truly amazing. In fact, you could almost say that the range has reached a point where it could even be considered to be too great.

The selection can be overwhelming. And because of this it requires a dedicated and highly knowledgeable marketing professional to pull together the right mix. He or she must make the correct selection of collateral in order to successfully deliver a campaign. The work cannot be random or done quickly without research or forethought; that kind of approach will be ineffective and will waste money.

This article will give an overview of some of the different types of advertising banners on offer and how they can work for your organisation so that initiatives can yield the results you desire.

Billboard – Giant poster and transport ads are amongst the oldest in the industry. Yet interestingly they are one of the most enduring and effective. Why? The reasons are not hard to figure out. You're able to exposure message to a large number of people very quickly and, compared to television and radio, they are relatively inexpensive. As everyone knows, people don't have to use the public system to be exposed to these options. If you're travelling in a car, particularly during rush hour, you will see this kind of product and it'll capture attention.

However, these things do have their drawbacks. The number of words is a limited and some people would actually consider them a shallow format. You can't get a very lengthy message on the back of the bus or even on a billboard. Another limitation is that performance is highest in urban areas. If you need to reach many people in different settings, including rural or even isolated locations, they won't work. So it would be unwise for you to allocate your complete budget to this one option alone. But they can be used very well for product launches and new initiatives.

Online – Options have evolved tremendously since the dawn of the Internet in the early 1990s. There are many different kinds of adverts you can opt for but they should be used very carefully. These can also be expensive and generally speaking today only yield good results on high traffic websites. You need to explore the pricing model. If it's paid per impression is going to be accruing costs even though the visitor doesn't click through the ad and take a look at your website. Usually, pay per click is the best option. It shows that your ad has captured attention and someone wants to have a look - at the very least that's the first step towards making a sale.

Overall, web adverts have fallen in popularity in recent years. It appears that customers want to focus more on content when they are online and not be drawn to messages that push products or services. This is quite different when compared with print because we all know that individuals pick up a newspaper or magazine to actually browse through display ads. However, don't feel that this should be ignored. It still has its place and should be used alongside other formats as part of your channels.

You need to think about the technical file format. If you go with Flash there will still be some people using browsers who can't accommodate that file type.

Print - despite our on-going embrace of all things web, magazines and newspapers still have an important role to play when it comes to promotions. As with the opportunities outlined above, your first steps should be to understand who you're trying to reach and then explore what they read. If it's a niche audience then go with specialist products. If it's broad and general, then pick lifestyle mags and some mainstream press.

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