Wednesday 1 June 2011

Know your Advertising Needs Before You Order that Display Banner

A banner hung outside your business or other strategic location can draw customers. However, do you understand exactly what your needs are in terms of advertising in this manner? If you had a basic checklist to follow during the planning and creation stages of your signage, you can ensure that what your order will be the best use of your advertising budget.

How your Sign Will Be Used

Understanding how your advertising signage will be used is an important step in your checklist. Are you simply directing someone to your business, providing business information or selling? Knowing exactly how your sign will be used can help you devise the correct message you want to relay to the public.
The type of display you require for your banner as well as the environmental conditions in which it will be exhibited is important too. Do want your signage to be temporary, perhaps advertising special deals or promotions or do you want something with a more permanent feel? Will the signage be hung indoors or outdoors where climate conditions can affect it?

Projected Image and Target Customers

Having a full grasp on the type of image you want to project to the public will help you determine your design layout requirements. For instance, a playful, fun attitude can be easily projected with bright colours and graphics whereas an austere, professional look may require more subdued pictures and colours. Of course, understanding the targeted customer base can also lead you to the right design layout.

Viewing Probability

Signage like banners are often displayed outside so customers may be in their cars or walking along the sidewalks when they see them. Viewing time and distance needs to be studied to determine the best design for your signage. If your business is located on a busy street with steady traffic flow, your advertising sign should be eye-catching and uncluttered because potential customers may have mere seconds in which to read it. However, if you are located in a heavy foot traffic area or a place with plenty of slow stop-start vehicle action, you just might have a bit more leeway in the design as customers will have more time to view your signage.

Of course, before you start working with a sign company, it is important that you research your local laws in regards to displaying signage as you might have to register for a special permit or adhere to specific standards in regards to size and colour. Once you do that and take into account your advertising sign checklist, you can then get started on the design and order of your display banner for your business.

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