Saturday 4 June 2011

Using Banner Frames at Trade Shows

If you plan to use banner frames to advertise at trade shows then it is important that you know what you are doing to get the most out of them. Some people may think it is as simple as having their company logo and name printed up and on display but this means you could be missing out on valuable advertising potential. When it comes to trade shows and exhibitions the key is to catch people’s eye!

  1. Creating an Effective Banner

It is important that you have the right graphics on your banner frames as something that is pleasing to the eye can make a world of difference. Try to mix up the colours that you use as sticking to just your company colours can look a little dull, however be sure to choose colours that contrast well with your display. You will also need to think carefully about what it is you want to say as just your business name and a tagline can be easy to read and then dismiss. Be sure to make it clear what you do and include promotions and offers to tempt people over to look at your stand.

It is also worth considering opting for banner frames that are a different shape or size to the norm to make them stand out from everyone else’s. Try hanging them from different heights and having a good variety of banner frames to make your stand look interesting and professional. Often using a double sided frame so that you can have a banner both sides is a cost effective way of attracting attention no matter which direction people are approaching from.

It is important to remember that a banner frame can be a great way to add colour and interest to your trade show display, or for that matter within your everyday business setting. Used well they can effectively promote a new product or service that you may have and are portable and durable enough to be taken from place to place over a period of time. Providing you keep all of the above in mind there is no reason why banner frames will not work as an effective method of advertising for you too.

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