Thursday 6 October 2011

Banners Are Perfect For Promoting New And Established Businesses

Financial constraints often mean that small businesses are limited in the amount of advertising they can readily afford. Therefore whatever advertising they commit to has to work harder to justify itself. If you’ve ever run an ad in a newspaper or magazine you’ll know exactly what I mean. Traditional forms of print advertising like newspapers, trade publications and advertising directories can work out extremely costly. Even the smallest-sized ad in your local newspaper can be expensive and may not always provide a satisfactory return on investment.

This realization means that many businesses are shying away from directory advertising. For example, to make your advertising stand out in a local business directory such as Yellow Pages, you will need a well-designed box ad, which once again can prove a budget buster. Not only that, but the merits of placing your ‘well-designed’ and costly ad bang in the centre of those of your closest competitors is debatable to say the least.

It is regularly lamented in the press that two out of three start-up businesses fail within their first 18 months of trading. Often this is directly attributed to a lack of funds, but equally it can be said that many businesses fail because they fail to get their brand values across to their target audience successfully.

One established way to get your company message into the wider world is through advertising banners. Banners are equally effective for start-up ventures as for well-established businesses. They are the affordable advertising solution for all types of businesses.

Unlike traditional print advertising which requires a weekly or monthly financial commitment, banners require a one-off investment, but they make your advertising go further. Banners are a unique and versatile way to make the most of your marketing budget. Banners are perfect for using on site at your place of work, as well for events, exhibitions and shows. You can use them for new product launches and promotions . . .
Banners come in a variety of sizes and can be designed to your individual requirements, incorporating your company logo and branding.

Because banners are generally made from PVC material and are therefore virtually weather-proof, they are ideal for all kinds of outdoor events and marketing promotions. Your banner can be eye-catching . . .  thought provoking . . . entertaining . . . whatever you want it to be.

Banners are a proven way to attract new custom at a fraction of the cost of traditional print advertising. Unlike a print advertisement, once your banner is installed outside your business or place of work, it will remain there until you decide otherwise. Banners provide a unique and cost-conscious type of advertising service that will run and run . . .

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