Sunday 16 October 2011

Creating a strong exhibition stand

Banners are used for many purposes, from business advertising, to protests or even just decoration. However, with the growing use of online banner ads to replace the more traditional form of advertising for everyday purposes, their use is being concentrated more and more upon specific events such as exhibitions.
An exhibition is a perfect opportunity for you to present your products, services or campaign to a target audience, allowing you to make new contacts and increase awareness of what you have to offer. Creating a great advertising campaign for an event can really pay off and will bring visitors flocking to your stand, whatever field you happen to be working in.
To create the most effective banner, you need to work out a clear message and stick to it. Who are you looking to target? What are their priorities? How can you meet these? You should be asking yourself all these questions and more when you are putting your slogan and message together.

Next: the stand itself. If you want to grab the attention of your audience, you don’t necessarily have to go for the biggest option available – although this is certainly one way to create impact. What you could do is consider 3D aluminium banner frames which can carry four banners at the same time, on each side. This way your message is on view from every angle.
The great thing about well-designed banner frames is that they are relatively inexpensive, light and easy to transport. You also need a stand that will be easy to assemble. Spending time messing around trying to construct complicated stands can leave you looking somewhat unprofessional.
Another huge benefit of banner frames is that you can use them again and again, interchanging the design print. Often at a single exhibition you may have two or even several aspects of a campaign to present over the course of a few days. If you have a few frames already in place, all you need to do is swap the prints each day and you are ready to start afresh! Imagine the benefits, then, if you attend several such events each year. They are also versatile in that they can be stood upright to be placed around your exhibition stand, or on their side if you have landscape prints and want the frames to spread over a wider area – perhaps for outdoor events.
If you look online you should be able to find a number of companies offering high quality banner frames complete with any accessories you might need such as tubes and connectors.  They are well worth considering if you want a cost-effective, efficient and easy-to-use system to promote your message.
Attending industry exhibitions is one of the best ways to promote new products and services or make business contacts. One of the most effective methods of advertising at these events is to use a banner frame which are easy to assemble, light and can be re-used again

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