Thursday 14 July 2011

Market Locally - Banners Can Help

Creative use of banners can be really smart. Here are a few ways you can use banners to draw attention to your business locally. If you're trying to market to a local business, you will get the best results if you actively market to people. Banners are just one way to draw attention to your business but can be an excellent way to get attention so that you have an opportunity to sell your wares.
On Your Building
Got a special deal or event going on? Why not advertise it with a banner? Banners can be put on the exterior of your building to show people that there's a sale or other special event on. A splash of colour and an enticing tag line could reel people in. If you're in a high traffic area, your signage consisting of more than just your logo can tell people why they need to consider stopping in to see you.
At Local Community Events
If you cater to a local audience, why not get involved in some local events that will give you an opportunity to build your brand? Consumers today like to feel connected with companies. A holiday parade could be somewhere that you can display banners, such as on a float or by having a marching band walk your company's banner. Consider handing out some sort of marketing gift to people with your logo on it.

Or, why not host a charity barbeque?  A quality vinyl banner, along with the smell of barbequing meat, will draw a crowd in and let people know which company is responsible for the event. Any opportunity to market locally could be a good thing for your business.
Hanging banners internally can be good for morale. Remind staff of a goal or something that's upcoming. Internal banners can be economic, too. They don't necessarily need to be as durable, for instance, as banners that you would use to display your business to customers.
Trade Shows and Conferences
Are there tradeshows happening locally? Or, is your business travelling elsewhere to attend a tradeshow or conference? Draw attention to your booth with a high impact sign or banner. Consider a freebie to give away as well, to make your presence a bit more memorable to attendees. If you simply give out a brochure, you aren't going to be as memorable as if you give out a stress ball, mug, t-shirt, or cap.

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